
Here are enough things to keep you busy for awhile!

As soon as you can, weed dandelions before they flower and set seed.

This is a good time to attack Poison Ivy! Using discardable plastic gloves, cut the stems and paint the open wound with an herbicide on a HOT, SUNNY day!
When you weed, grab the flowering ones first so they don’t go to seed and spread! Then go after the tallest ones that are just taking over your other plants. Pick on the little guys last.


Cut back tall perennials like bee balm and phlox to control their height.

The grass can be mowed when it reaches 3-4 inches (sorry, but
it IS that time again!) When you do cut it, set the mower to 2 1/2 to 3 inches.
You can fertilize any bulbs that are up.
Harvest rhubarb by grabbing it at the base of the stalk and pulling firmly away from the crown, twisting just a bit. Be sure to throw the leaves into the compost as they are poisonous!
Remove rhubarb seed stalks as they form.
You can prune your spring blooming shrubs just as soon as the flowers have faded.
Dead head your lilacs.
Plant Annuals no sooner than May 30th!
Plant your window boxes
Thin seedlings
Use balanced, organic fertilizers around flowers
Be sure to fertilize your annuals with liquid fertilizer. They’ll thank you for it by blooming continuously!
Stake tall perennials and tomatoes
Use a pine needle mulch for blueberries
Be sure your lawn mower is set to cut the grass HIGH
House plants can soon be moved outside to a shady, protected spot.
These same houseplants can be lightly fed with half strength
If you have an amaryllis, now would be the time to move it outside.
Mulch perennials and roses to keep down weeds and conserve moisture.
Stop cutting asparagus when the new spears get pinkie-finger thin. Let them grow into ferns instead. It will feed the roots.
Side-Dress Veggies to give them a little boost
Are you remembering to turn the compost every once in a while? You should also wet it down if the hose is close by. Doing this will help it decompose quicker although it will eventually happen anyway!
Mow down any daffodil drifts as they die down.
Order your bulbs so they arrive in time to plant in the autumn.
Order spring bulbs now for the best selection
Fertilize plants growing in containers
Side dress vegetables with nitrogen
Pick the zucchini while it’s young and tender.
Put nets over blueberries to protect them from birds. While you’re there, give them a little fertilizer as well.
Dahlias require little artificial watering in a normal season,
but should be soaked once a week during drought
Water your roses at least once a week
Make some notes on what you need to add to next years garden while
you can see what’s blooming!
Dig potatoes after the tops have died down.
Water any newly planted shrubs and trees.
Water evergreens thoroughly during dry weather.
Treat for Powdery Mildew. Try this recipe: 1 1/2 tablespoon baking soda, 1 gallon of water and 2-3 tablespoons of horticultural oil. Spray it on all the susceptible plants every other week or so.


Tulips should be dead-headed(remove spent flower).
Don’t forget to dead head other bulbs as well. Leave the foliage, but take out the spent flower heads.
Dead-head (prune off) spent flowers from plants and shrubs
Cutting back perennials such as dianthus, veronica and other similar shrubby varieties, will possibly produce a second blooming. How great would that be? They’ll also look better!
You can make softwood cuttings of shrubs this month through July.
Pinch the leading stems of your chrysanthemum’s to encourage them to
be bushier and have more blossoms. Continue doing this every 6 inches
or so, as they grow.
Remove fruiting raspberry canes after you’ve harvested the berries.
Control the growth of strawberry runners. If you don’t trim them back to where you want them, they will be all leaves and no berries! It will also keep the bed orderly looking.
Dead-head (prune off) all your spent blossoms
Cut back delphiniums when they are finished flowering. A complete
fertilizer at this time may encourage a second blooming.

Chrysanthemums will give a better fall display if fertilized a
bit now. You can continue pinching them back until mid-July for more blooms.
Floribunda roses will flower all summer if the old flower clusters
are snipped off regularly
The snow-in-summer should be pruned hard as it makes such rapid
growth at this time
When you trim deciduous hedges(ie,privot)be sure the sides slope out toward the bottom to be sure that sunlight reaches the base of the plants.

Be sure that you dead-head all your daylilies. They will attempt do make seeds if you don’t do this. You want them to build stronger roots. Daylilies will bloom more profusely next time if you remove spent blooms. Dead heading will also give you the possibility of a “re-bloom”!
Stop pruning shrubs.
Cut off foliage of bleeding heart, which has probably become unsightly.
Your plants in hanging baskets and containers have been roaring through the nutrients in their soil. It’s time to give them a trim and a good feeding to help them continue to flourish.

Marigolds, zinnias and even nasturtiums are good to plant in and around
your vegetables as well as the flower beds. They repel insects!
Check your lilies for red lily leaf beetles. CRUSH them!
Have you got Hosta’s? Are there slugs chewing them? Try this solution, if you haven’t already.
Combine 9 parts water to common household ammonia and spray it on the hosta just before dark. When the slugs hit this, they will dissolve!
Check the apple, cherry, and other fruit trees for nests of tent caterpillars. As soon as the tender, new leaves emerge, so will the caterpillars. Their destruction is just awful! Bt will work if you can get it up there. I also understand that the Praying Mantis is a big time enemy of tent caterpillars. Perhaps you should order some of those! They should be released into the affected tree at the same time the caterpillars emerge. If you place them before their dinner appears, they will find another yard to in which to chow down.
If you have to spray insecticide, do it AFTER bloom is finished to protect the bees!
Look for Jap. beetles either early or late in the day and shake them into a bucket of soapy water. The reason you don’t do it mid-day is because they’ll out run you!
If you have apple trees, hang red sticky-ball traps to control apple maggot flies. Small trees can get by with 2 balls. Larger trees should probably have 4-6 balls.
If your vegetables are not yielding as much as you’d like, plant some high nectar flowers in the vegetable garden to attract more bees and other pollinators.
Watch for tomato hornworm and hand pick them.

You can begin to plant gladiolas at 2 week intervals.
You may still plant container grown shrubs
Plant broccoli seed for fall harvest.
If you have a water garden, there’s still time to plant water
Any annuals can be safely set out now.
Direct seed kale seed for fall harvest
Sow a fall crop of peas
Pinch basil plants to promote bushiness
It’s a good time to sow seed of biennials and perennials
Try planting a clump of moisture loving Japanese iris where it can catch the water dripping from your air conditioner!
Madonna lilies should be divided as soon as the flowering period
is over.
Oriental poppies may be moved. Summer is the only time of the
year they can be divided successfully. Dig up the roots and cut them into 2 inch pieces and replant them in their new location.
This is the time for transplanting iris. Trim back foliage and only replant healthy, firm rhizomes. Set them quite close to the surface!
In fact, this is the best time to divide spring blooming perennials.
Start cuttings of coleus, geraniums, begonias and other plants
you want inside for the winter.
Sow forget-me-not seed. The make an attractive carpet planting
for tulip beds
This is also a good time to sow poppy seeds! August sown seed gives richer-colored flowers, so give that a try.

Here’s a page devoted to HERBS written by Charlie Nardozzi.
Someone in our class had asked for information about HERBS and I think this page looks pretty good. Perhaps you’d like to check it out.
Do you believe ANOTHER snow storm is coming our way? At least this time it’s on Saturday, not Wednesday!
See you on Thursday (God willing)! 🙂

I was checking my Facebook page this morning and realized that there’s a really good place to get answers to your gardening questions when you don’t have your Master Gardener handy!
Try to place http://extension.unh.edu/ into your URL locator. It is the NH Extension Service link which has a place for you to ask gardening questions, etc.
If you have Facebook, you can also “friend” them and get information from them every day! Give it a try…
You can of course, ask me directly which may give you the answer quicker! For that go to my North Country Maturing Gardener page, or send me an email (ncmgardener@gmail.com) with your question.

I’m sorry everyone, but this weather is just scaring me off! We’re expecting another foot to 18 inches of that wonderful, white stuff up here in the White Mountains. I figured before I lose electricity, phone and internet, it might behoove me to just go ahead and cancel. If I wait until tomorrow morning, that decision would have to be made before 7 AM. To do all of that, so early when there’s a good chance I won’t be able to contact anyone, just doesn’t make much sense to me.
I have spoken to Heather Bryant from NH Extension, who is still game to join us next week on February 10th. So, we’ll look forward to seeing you then! Cross your fingers that we don’t have ANOTHER snow storm! (I don’t think the Wednesday classes have been able to meet even ONCE because every storm has occurred ON Wednesday! I guess we should count our blessings!)

I’m getting a little nervous about class on Thursday. I’ve been hearing horror stories about the next snow storm. Please remember that I have an hour long drive to Hanover, and if the roads are not cleared… I’ve then got an issue.
Remember to check the Hanover Schools on the web, and listen to (I believe it was) Channel 9 for an announcement. If there’s no school, there’s no class.
I will get up early, check with the Hanover School website, and the local police to find out about conditions. I will try to have it announced by 7 AM. Why don’t I plan to send an email whether or not we have a “Go”, or “No Go”. So don’t embark until you hear from me.
If we have to cancel, I’m not quite sure what our next step will be. But, I guess I shouldn’t cross that bridge until I’m about to pay the toll, eh?
Hoping to see you on Thursday morning, with Heather Bryant in tow!

Heather Bryant from the NH Extension Service will come to speak about Vegetable Gardening on February 3rd, not January 27th. That was my “mea culpa”. She had told me the 27th wouldn’t work. So, look for Veggies on February 3rd.
Instead (on the 27th) we’ll talk about winter gardening chores and composting which I had intended to do the following week. We will also get set for those “pests” and “helpers”. And, we can deal with catalogs, books and magazines as well other things you wanted to discuss when we ran out of time last week.

I just came across this article about poisonous indoor plants… This is another possible idea for one of you looking for a topic! Check this link.
I am in the process of making up the list for distribution on Thursday. Hopefully, you’re ready to sign up with a “pest” or “helper”.
We’ll try to work in “forgotten books, magazines and thoughts” at the end of class, so don’t be afraid to bring them along. No promises here… if we can’t get to them Thursday, I’m sure there will be time for them at some point before the end of the term.

We decided that in the eventuality of any need to cancel a class due to weather, the first place to check would be the Hanover Schools. If school is cancelled, so are we. You can hear cancellations on the radio and also on Channel 9. I will be sure there is an email sent to you prior to 7 AM of the class day. As far as checking on the internet (in case you missed the broadcast) visit http://www.sau70.org/. This is the website for the schools and they tell you IN RED if school has, in fact, been cancelled. I will call those without email prior to 7 AM.
Since we missed our first scheduled class, we all decided that the best solution would be to extend one additional week. Instead of ending our classes on February 24th, we’ll have an additional class, and finish up on March 3rd.
Next Thursday, Heather Bryant from the NH Extension service will speak to us about Vegetable Gardening. I promise you’ll learn a lot. Try not to miss it!
Next week, I will also ask you to decide what “pest” or “helper” for the garden you’d like to present. We will do these little reports after the break within each class, so plan on using about 15 minutes, but not more than 20 minutes, if possible. We’ll need a little time for discussion and class ends after 45 minutes or so. If you take too long, I’ll probably have to cut you short, so remember the time element. At any rate, I hope you’ll each pick some topic that really troubles, or pleases you, and report on that. The reports are always better if given with a bit of “passion”! 🙂 I’d love to have at least one “pest” and one “helper” presented during the second portion of each class. If you could prioritize which dates you’d like to present your “blurb”, I won’t have to “assign” them.
I really enjoyed class today and am looking forward to our next class. See you then!

Tomorrow will be our first class, so all the topics I mentioned a few days ago will be covered then. We were supposed to do them on the 13th (which was unfortunately cancelled).
One of the things I said we’d cover was IPM or Integrated Pest Management. I said I would have a handout for you. Well, I’ve decided just to explain it in class, and send you to a website that will give you a ton of extra information. That way, we’ll save a few trees, and it probably isn’t necessary to go into it at such great detail. Here is the link on IPM which is put out by the EPA.
I look forward to meeting you all tomorrow. Remember to bring those catalogs and books!

It’s too complicated to try to get up at the crack of dawn to make a decision about driving to class tomorrow. It’s an hour drive for me and a few others as well. My feeling is that we’re not 20 any longer, and driving in (possibly) nasty conditions is just not an appealing thought. At any rate, we will NOT have class tomorrow the 13th.
I’ll look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday, the 20th of January.